Help Epassi to report misuse and improper use of the wellness allowance.
 If you suspect that the wellness allowance is being used for activities or services that do not comply with the Swedish Tax Agency’s guidelines, we encourage you to report this to us at Epassi.

What to report
When making a report, please include the following information: • The type of wrongdoing (e.g., improper use of the wellness allowance).
• Where the incident occurred.
• When the incident occurred (include date and time, and if it is something that has happened repeatedly).
 • Any documentation you have access to, or information on where relevant documentation can be found.

Processing your report
We carefully review each report and take necessary actions based on the content. This may include initiating an internal investigation to look into the circumstances more closely, and if needed, taking actions such as suspending providers from our system until further notice if the situation requires it.

Submit your report through this link.