FAQ employee & employer

What do I do if I have paid with the app without being on site?
If you have paid the wrong supplier or if there has been a double payment, please contact the supplier who received the payment. The supplier can withdraw t...
What does ehe wellness allowance mean?
The wellness allowance is a way for employers to subsidize employees' wellness activities. The contribution is tax-free for the employee and deductible ...
What is not approved to use the health care allowance for?
Only the cost of the activity itself is tax-free, for example gym cards, entry fees, course fees, course fees or lift tickets. Thus, you cannot use the heal...
What is the maximum amount for health care allowance?
An employer has the opportunity to offer tax-free wellness benefits to their employees of up to SEK 5,000 per year. For activities without an element of ex...
Can I buy health care for someone else?
No. The health care grant is personal and, according to the Swedish Tax Agency, may only be used by the person who has been awarded the grant.
Can I rent equipment or tools?
No. Renting equipment or tools is unfortunately not something that the health care allowance can be used for.
Can I buy products such as clothes/shoes/equipment for the health care allowance?
No. Products and equipment are not something that the health care grant may be used for.
How can I contact support?
The easiest way to get in touch with customer support is to send us an email. It´s also possible to chat with us. Press the chat bubble on the right to ...
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