FAQ employee & employer

Why must payment with the Epassiapp be carried out on site?
When you make a purchase through the Epassi app , it is important to complete the payment on site, provided that the supplier has a physical facility. This ...
How do I pay by direct debit? (Autogiro)
The routine for direct debit differs between different providers, and not all can combine direct debit with Epassi. Ask your provider about their routine. ...
My contribution does not cover the full amount of my health care purchase, what do I do then?
If your healthcare contribution does not cover the full amount at the time of purchase, you will have to pay the excess amount directly to the supplier on s...
What should I do if I have made an incorrect purchase or if the purchase has been charged twice?
If you have paid the wrong supplier or if there has been a double payment, please contact the supplier who received the payment. The supplier can withdr...
How can I see my wellness balance?
You can see your health care balance when you log into the Epassi app or on your account at Epassi, under the Balances tab.
Do I have to use my entire allowance with the same supplier?
No, you do not have to use your entire healthcare allowance with the same provider, but it is entirely up to you as a user how you want to distribute the al...
Can a provider see how much I have in my health care balance?
A health care provider can never see a user's balance. The supplier can only check at the time of purchase whether the balance covers the amount for whi...
Can I pay for health care this year and pay with my next contribution?
No. You can only use your health care allowance during the current health care year.
How can I see my previous purchases?
Logged in mode in the app Click on "History" and the current month to see your purchase history. Logged in mode at epassi.se Click on ...
When is the last day I can make a purchase of the year?
You can make purchases until 23:00 on December 31 at an affiliated supplier. After 23.00 it is not possible to make purchases for the current wellness year.