Wellness Benifit

How does Epassi work?
As a connected health care provider, you reach hundreds of thousands of users in Epassi. By simplifying the use and actively informing and encouraging more ...
When will I be activated?
We typically activate all properly created vendor accounts within 14 days, subject to peak times where lead times may be longer than normal. Make sure you f...
What does the agreement look like?
You can read the agreement with Epassi as a health care provider by clicking here.   The agreement and terms are accepted by you when registering the acco...
What is KYC?
KYC (Know your customer) means that the Company (Epassi) must have good knowledge of its customers and their business in order to make it difficult and prev...
Online products – for both app and web.
The function makes it possible for you as a supplier to post your services as ready-made products that provide you with user data after the purchase has bee...
Fast options - available in the app.
With this function, you as a supplier can post so-called Quick Selections (name and price of services) for the user to simply press in the app when they hav...
How do I log in?
You log in with the username and password you chose when you created your Epassi account. ATTENTION! It is not possible to log in with the email address or ...
How do I reset my password?
You reset your password here . Enter your username and a link to choose a new password will be sent to the email address registered on your Epassi account....
How do I add more users?
At the moment it is not possible to add more users. This will be developed later to enable more users and administrators to your account in Epassi.
Where can I see my documents?
The documents can be found in your Epassi account under "bookkeeping information" and then "invoice history". These are available on the...